ATTENTION: Pending Lawsuits


MacLaren Hall Lawsuits


What is MacLaren Hall?

MacLaren Children's Center (MacLaren Hall) opened in the 1940s in Los Angeles, California as a place for non-delinquent minors to be housed separate and apart from those youths who were guilty of crimes.

Over almost 4 decades, MacLaren Hall housed tens of thousands of children who were waiting for placement with foster families. Like all foster youths, MacLaren Hall residents required significant attention, including specialized medical care.

As time went on and the county juvenile criminal facility became overcrowded, the county probation department - which ran MacLaren Hall - began placing more and more youths at MacLaren Hall, without regard for criminal background or any of the childrens' needs.

Take Action Now

By filing a MacLaren Hall lawsuit, you could obtain a settlement or judgement to recover your financial losses and compensate you for pain and suffering.

Find Out If You Qualify

Why did MacLaren Hall Close?

In 2002, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) sued Los Angeles County for failing to provide sufficient medical care for the foster children of MacLaren Hall. In 2003, the institution shut its doors in disgrace after a former resident and abuse victim filed a class action lawsuit seeking redress for the horrific sexual and other abuses that took place there.

Did You Or Somebody You Know Live In Maclaren Hall And Suffer Sexual Abuse?

You don't have to suffer alone anymore. Our trained staff members are standing by to help you determine whether you are eligible to file a claim.

Find Out If You Qualify

Did you experience any of the following:

  • Contact or touching of a sexual nature
  • Unsolicited or unwanted touching of genitals, buttocks, or private parts
  • Being forced against one's will to touch another in a sexual manner
  • Rape
  • Unsolicited or unwanted touching that involves physical harm or injury

This Is Not Your Fault

It's time to hold those responsible accountable for their actions, for the heinous sexual abuses that took place at what was supposed to be a haven for foster youths who were on the right path.

Click below to sign up - it's free and you don't owe any money unless we get you financial compensation.

To Claim Your Share Follow The Steps Below

Step 1: Click the button below.

Step 2: Answer a few questions about your personal situation (takes 30 seconds)